iOS 7 device compatibility chart unveils iPad aesthetics
As the iOS 7 user interface was revealed this month, users made quick assumptions about what the next-generation software would look like on the tablets of the Apple mobile family. As the software was, at first, only shown on the iPhone 5 during Apple’s developers conference WWDC 2013, it became rather quickly an often, asked question: what would iOS 7 look like on devices Apple guaranteed would be attaching it to? Today, Apple answered this question.
Though the preview is rather miniature, a bit of valuable information can be gleaned from this chart from the official iOS 7 display page. The iPad and iPad with Retina display will look precisely the same – same configuration of elements, same everything: down to the pixel, as Apple has used the same model for both devices in their online presentation. The iPad mini, on the other hand, will have a slightly different amount of space around and between icons, with the configuration also appearing to keep that which is currently working in iOS 6.
The big chart shows clearly which devices will be working with the software from this point forward, as well: iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch 16GB (5th generation and forward), iPod touch 32GB/64GB (same story), iPad 2, and all iPads with Retina display and forward – and the iPad mini, of course. This lineup is the cut-off point: anything older than this will not see iOS 7.
This system is out in the wild right this minute for developers and (if you’re a hacker) the public as well – it’s not officially supposed to be on non-developer devices, of course, so should you find it and you’re not a developer, you’re likely in for some negativity on your device. The iOS 7 operating system will be out later this year with what’s likely going to be Apple’s next generation of iPhone and/or iPad – sooner than later!
Hi visitor,
Take a look at my video of the day! It's sooo funny! LOL :-)
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