English: Bluetooth Watch Deutsch: Bluetooth Digitalarmbanduhr mit Smartphone Anbindung, automatische Zeit Einstellung über Bluetooth, Telefon Rufnummernanzeige und Vibrationsalarm zur dezenten Ruf Signalisierung, SMS Anzeige (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The Pebble smart watch, showing three designs and different downloadable watch 'faces'
Nowadays, when my phone rings, my wrist buzzes. When someone texts me, I don't look at my phone to find out what they said; I look at my watch.
Why? I've got a Pebble - the "smartwatch" launched on Kickstarter last year which hit its $100,000 target within two hours and had raised $10.2m from nearly 69,000 backers by the time it closed in May 2012 after a month. (I was one of those backers, with my own money.) So far, according to the site, it's delivered 85,000 of its watches, each costing $150 (£98). Yes, it's this year's buzzword, wearable computing, but you don't have to genuflect to Google or splash out $1,000 to get it. Plus it's unobtrusive.
Pebble describes it as an "E-paper watch for iPhone and Android". The "e-paper" bit might get some thinking you're going to be reading books on it. You're definitely not (the screen's only 1.26in - 3.2cm - diagonally). But it is great fun.
So what do you then get for your money? It's a watch, to start with. The face is 144x168 pixels, a large black/white e-paper display. I chose the black body and strap (you can get it in black, white, cherry red or grey). Open the box, and you're instructed to go to getpebble.com. That's a neat touch - no manual at all. The whole initial setup is done through its web page and then app.
Open that page on your smartphone, and it directs you to the iPhone or Android app store, where you download a free app which connects via Bluetooth. Through that, you can send software updates (such as new watchfaces) and, more usefully, back-and-forth notifications when someone calls or texts. (You can also set it to notify you when you get an email. Don't do this unless you never get email.)
The watchface is scratch-resistant (not -proof) and has an anti-glare coat; I find it very readable in all lights, except when it's dark. Then you have the options of an automatic backlight (adjusted to light levels), or being able to flick your wrist to activate the backlight. The strap feels like rubber; it's wide (to go with the watch) but not uncomfortable.
Charging is via a USB lead terminating in a magnetic attachment to a pair of contacts on the left-hand side of the watch; I assume a micro-USB slot would have taken up too much internal space and created waterproofing problems (it is waterproof, at least for swimming). So don't lose that charger; you'll be needing it every four or five days (in my limited experience, though the makers claim up to seven.. probably if you have Bluetooth off) and it's unique.
One bad thing: the interface doesn't show the battery level (even in the phone app), which can leave you in the lurch without warning. The charge level only shows when you're charging, and even then only in the menu, as opposed to standard watch, display.
The controls are pleasingly simple. There's a large rectangular button on the left-hand side which takes you back up a level of control; press it enough times and you'll reach the time display, which is the default.
On the right are three buttons (one large, one small, one large) which function as "up, choose, down" for scrolling through menus. Pebble doesn't try to do a lot of things. You turn on the Bluetooth, connect it to your phone, and that's mostly it. You can control the music playback on your phone via the right-hand buttons (it shows the artist, album and track name, though not album art; the buttons will advance a track, play/pause, skip back). However, that's really a party piece; unless you're on the other side of the room, it's simpler just to pull out your phone or, on headphones with a mic, click the control button, than to press the two buttons required to change the music. And yes, running Bluetooth will use some phone battery - perhaps 5% over a normal day. Turn it off, and the Pebble still works as a watch.
Next you're expecting a touchscreen with icons and apps, aren't you? No such thing. Pebble's designers have wisely held back from overegging the interaction pudding. The screen isn't touch-sensitive, and you won't be squinting and trying to operate tiny physical or onscreen buttons. (Looking at you, Sony Smartwatch.)
Presently, the on-watch functions are simple: you can set alarms; choose different watchfaces (which you download via the phone app); decide how you want the phone's backlight to come on; and whether you want notifications from your phone on. (You probably do, else it's just a watch). On-watch apps haven't happened yet. But there are fortnightly software updates. It's probably coming.
It's the notifications that make this stand out. A little bit of configuration on your phone and you can get incoming calls and texts displayed (and emails - only recommended if you never get email). This is the great thing about Pebble: you can figure out whether to ignore a call by looking at the number (if it's in your address book, it'll show up; you can also reject calls from the phone) and you won't miss texts even if your phone is on silent. It's also a lot less intrusive to look at your watch during a meeting than to take out your phone.
Pebble says you can add calendar alerts, Facebook Messages, tweets, and weather alerts to the notifications; I do wonder what sort of weather alert (short of a tornado) you'd want to know about, but in principle it's putting everything just where you want it.
I find that I can read entire text messages on it without trouble, though spotting the name of a caller is harder (perhaps because it feels more urgent to decide).
But phone calls and texts are just the start. Pebble last week released an SDK that will let developers push notifications from third-party apps; think of apps that you'd like to give you updates, but which you don't want to have to keep monitoring your phone for, and you've found a use for the Pebble. It's working on apps for bicyclists, golfers (err…), runners (it syncs with Runkeeper), and whoever else they can think of. (The forums are pretty busy with people suggesting stuff.)
Do I like it? No, I really love it. My wife gives me pitying looks when I try to describe its benefits, but a couple of weeks in the fun hasn't worn off. And the idea that it could connect with more apps (train times? Concert ticket availability? Just think of things you'd like to be quietly notified about) is enticing. If it shipped with those apps and capabilities preinstalled, it would be an instant five-star product.
One galling point: HM Revenue & Customs, eager to generate tax revenue from somewhere (since it can't seem to get big companies to pay), slaps an import tax of £25.06 on each one. That brings the total price for the device to around £125. Crazy? A bit. But I'm convinced thatwearable technology is the future, or at least a significant component of it. And at this price, it's worth it.
Speeds and feeds
• Load apps using Bluetooth
• 144 x 168 pixel display black and white e-paper
• Bluetooth 2.1+ EDR and 4.0 (Low Energy)
• Four buttons
• Vibrating motor (for alerts)
• Three-axis accelerometer with gesture detection
• Load apps using Bluetooth
• 144 x 168 pixel display black and white e-paper
• Bluetooth 2.1+ EDR and 4.0 (Low Energy)
• Four buttons
• Vibrating motor (for alerts)
• Three-axis accelerometer with gesture detection
Compatibility: iPhone 3GS, 4, 4S, 5 or any iPod Touch with iOS 5 or iOS 6. (iOS 5 and iPhone 3GS have restricted feature sets). Android devices running OS 2.3 and up, including Android 4.0. No support at present for Blackberry, Windows Phone, or Palm phones.
Price: $150. Customs and shipping charges will apply outside the US.
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